ÌÇÐÄlogoÈë¿Ú Chatter June (2) 2024
Quick Jump
Upcoming events
27.06.24 - 28.06.24/
9:00am-2:00pmTeeth on Wheels visit
End of Term 2 – 2:00 PM Finish
Student-free days for 2024
29.01.24 - 9:00am
Student Free Day
11.03.24 - 9:00am
Labour Day
25.04.24 - 9:00am
26.04.24 - 9:00am
Student Free Day
23.05.24 - 9:00am
Student Free Day
10.06.24 - 9:00am
King's Birthday
9.08.24 - 9:00am
Student Free Day
4.11.24 - 9:00am
Student Free Day
5.11.24 - 9:00am
Melbourne Cup
Term Dates for 2024
- Term 1 30.01.24 - 28.03.24
- Term 2 15.04.24 - 28.06.24
- Term 3 15.07.24 - 20.09.24
- Term 4 7.10.24 - 20.12.23
Message from the Principal
WOW! What a term!
I can’t believe it’s the end of Term 2…. And it’s been a LONG term (well it feels like that). I’m sitting here reflecting on the term, and it hasn’t been dull! We’ve had incursions, excursions, curriculum days, gala days, cross country (including district, divisional and regional), appointing a new Assistant Principal, Pizza Day, STEM open morning, continue with our engaging and challenging learning and tasks in the classrooms, lots of illness, AND teachers have written mid-year reports (which will be released via COMPASS at the end of next week). It’s no wonder we are a little tired.
Let’s get into the final Chatter of the Term.
If you didn’t attend last night’s ARTS GALA, you missed out on an incredible community event! It opened with a Mandarin spectacular, which had colour and movement, and set the scene for what was about to occur. Students were proud to walk around showing off their artwork on display. The Silent auction was another success yet again…although a little competitive at times…with all money raised, going towards our Arts Program.
The winning bids were:
- Foundation A: $200
- Foundation B: $120
- Foundation C: $85
- 1/2A: $170
- 1/2B: $110
- 1/2C: $70
- 1/2D: $60
- 1/2E: $80
- 3/4A: $100
- 3/4B: $116
- 3/4C: $150
- 3/4D: $150
- 5/6A: $85
- 5/6B: $320
- 5/6C: $55
- 5/6D: $45
Congratulations to Lucie and Karen who did an amazing job in organising the arts and entertainment. They have definitely raised the bar on what is to come at our next Arts Gala!
In saying that, the night wouldn’t have been the success it was without Clare Dyson and her amazing team of volunteers who helped set up, cook, serve, supervise the smores and clean up! Our school community is a great community because of people like you. THANK YOU!
Should I stay or should I go?
You might be shocked to know that planning for the 2025 school year is in full swing! To assist us in making sure we are ready for next year, if you or anyone you know hasn’t enrolled or intends on not being a part of our school community in 2025, could you please let us know?
What’s to come in Term 3?
Historically, people refer to Term 3 as the “quiet term” …Well, I completely disagree with this comment. Things already planned to look forward to next Term include:
- Somers Camp
- 3/4Camp
- Whole school production
- F-Year 5 swimming
- Student Free Day
- Parent-teacher conferences
- Book Week
- District Athletics
- Incursions & excursions
That’s not my idea of quiet!
PARISUS: Citius, Altius, Fortius…. a ÌÇÐÄlogoÈë¿Ú Production!
Rehearsals have been happening for quite a few weeks now, and our 2024 school production is in full swing. Once again it will be over 2 nights, with all Year 6 students performing on both nights. So, you can add it to your diary…. this is who is performing when:
Performance 1: Wednesday 7th August
- Foundation B
- Foundation C
- 1/2B
- 1/2D
- 3/4A
- 3/4B
- 5/6A
- 5/6B
Performance 2: Thursday 8th August
- Foundation A
- 1/2A
- 1/2C
- 1/2E
- 3/4C
- 3/4D
- 5/6C
- 5/6D
Information regarding ticket prices and sales will be sent out in the first week of Term 3.
Staffing news
Earlier this term, our fabulous 3/4teacher, James Johnstone was presented with an amazing opportunity to teach at an international school commencing at the beginning of Semester 2. It was an offer too good to refuse. Filling the shoes of James was not an easy task and we didn’t want to appoint just anyone.
Lucky for us, our very own Fletcher Newton, who has been working as an integration aide here for the past 4 years, is now a qualified primary school teacher! He knows our school, he knows our students and he is very excited to be the 3/4C classroom teacher for the remainder of the 2024 school year.
I’m sure you are all with me in wishing James luck for his new adventure (and look forward to him returning in 2026 with a whole new range of expertise and experiences), and also supporting and welcoming Fletch as he steps into the classroom role.
Road Safety and Helmets
As it’s the end of term, I use this time to get on my soapbox about Road Safety and Helmets …. So here I go….
During the school holidays, please be aware of an increased number of children out and about, riding their bikes and scooters and playing around the streets. It doesn’t matter how many years you have been riding for, accidents can still happen. From personal experience, I know that my bike helmet not only saved my life, but also my ability to walk and function the way I still can. Helmets don’t work if they are being held in your hand while skateboarding or sitting on your handlebars when riding your bike. They also don’t work if they are done up correctly or the straps are loose and just hanging around your chin. What we do need to do is make sure that our children are careful on the roads, follow the rules, and ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET CORRECTLY.
Please remember that it is the responsibility of everyone to ensure that our school is looked after over the holiday period. It’s great to see people using the school facilities by making use of the basketball courts, ovals and playgrounds. We have a wonderful community resource and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that our grounds are used appropriately.
Everyone deserves a well-earned break after the busy semester we have had. I hope you all get a chance to recharge your energy levels and spend quality time with those they care about most over the next two weeks.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay happy and remember to be kind to yourself and others. We look forward to seeing you back at school for the start of Term 3 on Monday 15th July!
Cyber Safety Webinar
As part of our school’s commitment to becoming an eSmart School we are required to build our student’s knowledge on how to be safe in the cyber world. This is also a requirement of the Department of Education’s Child Safe policies.
Please see the below live webinars available this year:
Community OSH
Winter Holiday Program
Richmond High School Girls' Extension Program
Student of the Week
- Sammy J –Â For enthusiastically taking part in all our measurement activities in Maths. You took on challenges with an open mind and showed a growth mindset!
Well done Sammy! - Olivia L – For her friendly smile, hard work and excellent reading, writing and arithmetic! You are a star, Olivia!
Year 1/2
- Roxy B – For consistently improving your listening skill and demonstrating great attention in class. Your focus and effort have not gone unnoticed! Well done.
- Alex F – For being a wonderful and kind helper. You add warmth and fun to our classroom, and your help with organising our space has been amazing. Our class is so lucky to have you!
- Samuel – For really committing to improving your writing abilities! I’m loving what you’re creating, and I’m learning so much about things like sushi in your information reports. Please, keep it coming!
Year 3/4
- Lior T – For being a great contributor in class discussions and putting in your best effort in all your learning. I have loved seeing your confidence grow. Fabulous work Lior!
- Izzy C – For her happy positive attitude towards all elements of school life – especially your fantastic writing pieces. Great effort Izzy!!
Year 5/6
- James D – For your efforts are commendable James. Your learning focus and enthusiasm to achieve your goals has improved so much this term. Well done !!
- Elodie H – For always being a respectful member of our class with a positive and enthusiastic approach to learning. Keep up the amazing work Elodie!
- Alaia A – For your outstanding literature responses this term. You have used incredible detail and care with your responses and have presented your work immaculately. Well done, Alaia!
- Lennox B – For Displaying a positive mindset towards all our activities. Lennox you should be very proud of your achievements this week.
Extracurricular Activities at ÌÇÐÄlogoÈë¿Ú - Term 3
Please see the below list of extracurricular activities that you can enrol your child into for Term 3 this year:
Code Camp: Tuesdays, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Drama lessons: Thursdays, Lunch Time
Music Lessons: Individual Bookings
Tennis Lessons:Â Wednesdays & Thursdays, 8:10AM – 8:50AM
Dance Lessons: Wednesday’s, Lunch Time
Chess Club: Fridays, 8:00AM – 8:50AM
If you are interested in any of the above activities for your child, please see the links below for further information.