糖心logo入口 Chatter December 2023
Quick Jump
Upcoming events
Yearbook Completed/Orders Due
Gleadell Street Market Community Stall
Statewide Orientation Day & Moving on up Day
Foundation Transition Session (4)
Student-free days
24.04.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
9.06.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
9.08.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
1.09.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
6.11.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
Term dates
- Term 1 27.01.23 - 6.04.23
- Term 2 24.04.23 - 23.06.23
- Term 3 10.07.23 - 15.09.23
- Term 4 2.10.23 - 20.12.23
Message from the "Principal"
Hello lovely 糖心logo入口 community! What an eventful two weeks it has been. As we gear up for the coming year, there’s a whirlwind of planning and preparation underway, promising exciting things ahead. Recently, we had the pleasure of welcoming our 2024 Foundation students to the school, where they met their buddies and got acquainted with our environment. A big shout-out to our Year 5 students for their commendable maturity in guiding these newcomers. Witnessing their enthusiasm to meet their new buddies was truly spectacular.
Speaking of Year 5 students, we’re thrilled to share that they are actively preparing for various leadership positions, and the sheer number of applications has left us in awe! We are conducting interviews for these positions in week 10 and look forward to developing our new leadership team.
Looking ahead to Week 11, specifically on the 12th of December, we are gearing up for our annual ‘Moving on Up Day.’ During this event, students will spend an hour in their future learning spaces, getting familiar with the routines and expectations of the upcoming academic year. It’s an excellent opportunity for them to seamlessly transition and ensure they feel comfortable for the next year.
Today, we engaged in a teacher experiment that involved randomly selecting roles from a hat and stepping into those positions for a session. The entire school staff enthusiastically participated as they drew various teaching roles from the hat, leading to unexpected changes such as Grade 5/6 teachers moving to Foundation, Principals transforming into PE teachers, and 3/4 Teachers taking on the role of Principal.
This activity not only brought joy and amusement but also contributed to fostering a strong sense of teamwork throughout the school. Despite any initial nervousness that some teachers may have felt, the experience highlighted the collaborative spirit among the staff.
Staffing 2024
With Russell stepping into the Acting Assistant Principal role, Hayley becoming our new Leading Teacher (not based in a classroom), Olivia and Sarah F having babies, we need some more staff in 2024!聽 I’m sure you will join with me in officially welcoming Sarah Golin, Gemma Baggio, Harley McLean and James Troutbeck to the 糖心logo入口 Community.聽 I’m sure they will be great additions to our staff.
Tree removal
You may have noticed one of our gum trees twisting itself around and leaning on our building (just near the 1/2stairs).聽 We definitely don’t like removing trees, but if it’s damaging the foundations of our building, then sometimes we have to do what we have to do.聽 The engineers who are part of our future building project have said the tree has to go.聽 The architects, WOWOWA,聽 have asked us to save as much of the wood as we can and they will try to incorporate that into their design.
Depending on the weather, it will occur at some point over the next 2 weekends.
Many thanks,
Dates for your Diary (2024)
2024 Starting Dates:
- Foundation student commence on the 1st of Febuary
- Students in Years 1 – 6 commence school on the 30th of January聽
2024 School Terms:
- Term 1:鈥30 Jan – 28th March聽 (school finishes @ 2pm on the 28th of March)
- Term 2:鈥15h April – 28th June聽 (school finishes @ 2pm on the 28th of June)
- Term 3:鈥15th July – 20th September (school finishes @ 2pm on the 20th of June)
- Term 4:鈥7th October – 20th December (school finishes @ 1:30pm on the 20th of December)
2024 Student Free Days
- Monday 29th聽Jan
- Friday 26th聽April
- Thursday 23rd聽May
- Friday 9th聽August
- Monday 4th聽November
Public Holidays
- Labor Day 11th聽March
- ANZAC day 25th聽April
- Kings b’day聽 10th聽June
- Melbourne cup 5th聽November
Activities at 糖心logo入口
This is one of the 3/4 inquiry groups who are involved in the electronical and mechanical workshop. This group is exploring circuits and sustainable ways to create electricity. Today it was potato power!
Community OSH
Newsletter & Important Dates
Student of the Week
- Hamish L – For being brave in his learning and trying new things! You have been challenging yourself in reading, writing and maths this week. Well done Hamish!!
- Milla K – Congratulations Milla for being an extraordinarily hard working and focussed student, who always shows kindness and utmost respect for everyone.
Year 1/2
- Charlotte C – For working collaboratively with her classmates, sharing her ideas and displaying leadership during group discussions. Go Charlotte!
- Isla B – For your determination and ongoing ability to challenge yourself with your learning. You should be very proud of yourself. Well done Isla!
- Lenni P – For your improved focus in your learning. You have been trying your best! Well done, Lenni!
Year 3/4
- Lucy F – For showing incredible resilience and not letting things get in the way of her learning or enjoyment of school life. I’ve admired your determination!
- Heidi B – For a sensational year of learning in our class. You have been an awesome student every single day!
- Clara R – For the fabulous detail you put into your book review of 鈥淥nce鈥, and the endless enthusiasm you bring to everything you do.
- Indie W – For having a strong growth mindset and taking on all feedback to improve your learning.
- Maeve S – For her spectacular work during our open ended Maths lessons. You have been so persistent and creative with everything! Congratulations!
- Maddie S – You listen to feedback and immediately act on it to improve as a learner. You have set yourself up to achieve great things in the future! Well done!
- Florence F – For putting 110% every lesson. Florence you have made huge leaps in your learning this year and you should be extremely proud of all the hard work you have put in. Keep on being you, because you are amazing!
- August H – For putting some extra effort and focus into your writing and producing some excellent work. Fantastic effort!
Year 5/6
- Dusty C – For your engagement and attitude towards maths this week. You swept me away with your work. Keep it up!
- Billie M – Your growth mindset during Maths this term. You have demonstrated such great determination and persistence during our open ended tasks. Keep up the wonderful work!
- Alexander P – For his enthusiasm, dedication and effort towards improving his learning this term. Well done Alex!
- Beau B – For his hard work on his leadership speeches and for having such a great week!
Russell's Joke of the week
I can always predict what’s inside a Christmas present.
It’s a gift.
Activities at 糖心logo入口 (Term 4)
Please see the below list of activities that you can enrol your child into for Term 4:
Drama lessons: Thursdays, Lunch Time
Music Lessons: Individual Bookings
Tennis Lessons:聽 Wednesdays & Thursdays, 8:10AM – 8:50AM
Dance Lessons: Wednesday’s, Lunch Time
Chess Club: Fridays, 8:00AM – 8:50AM
If you are interested in any of the above activities for your child, please see the links below for further information.